
How Long Is A Lab A Puppy

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Feeding Your Labrador Puppy

The best way to ensure that your canis familiaris lives a long and healthy life is to make sure you lot feed them properly.

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And this is particularly truthful for good for you Lab puppies. Feed them right to keep them fit. Labradors can quickly gain weight, which is why what you feed them matters.

To requite your Labrador the all-time life, you need to sympathize their nutritional needs and how to use their diet to back up their lifelong health.

Here are some helpful tips I've learned throughout my years every bit a Labrador parent to help keep your pup healthy and happy, no matter what age!

Table of Contents

  • What to Feed a Lab Puppy? What Tin can Lab Puppies Eat?
    • Feeding Your Labrador Puppy Kibble
      • What to Look for in Kibble
    • Feeding Your Labrador Puppy Fresh Food
      • What to Look For in Fresh Food
    • Feeding Your Labrador Puppy Raw Diet
      • What to Wait for in Raw Food
    • Feeding Your Labrador Puppy Moisture Food
      • Dry vs. Wet Puppy Food
  • How To Choose A Dog Food for Your Labrador Puppy
    • FATS
    • CARBS
  • What Human being Foods Can A Lab Puppy Eat?
  • What Homo Foods Are Dangerous For A Lab Puppy?
  • Should You lot Feed A Lab Puppy Supplements? Are They Necessary?
  • How Much Should A Lab Puppy Eat?
  • Keeping Your Puppy's Weight Right
  • Lab Puppy Feeding Chart by Age
    • Feeding Guide For Your Labrador Puppy
    • body status scoring chart
  • How Much To Feed A Lab Puppy?
  • How Often to Feed a Lab Puppy? (Lab Puppy Feeding Schedule)
    • How Many Times To Feed A Lab Puppy Each Twenty-four hour period?
      • Puppies Less than half dozen Months Erstwhile
      • Puppies half-dozen Months to 1-Yr-Old
      • 1 Yr & Upward
  • How Long To Feed Lab Puppy Food Before Switching To Adult Dog Food?
  • What Is The Best Domestic dog Foods For Lab Puppies
  • How Much Water Should You Requite Your Labrador Puppy?
  • Conclusion

What to Feed a Lab Puppy? What Can Lab Puppies Consume?

When choosing food for your Lab puppy, remember that skillful nutrition is essential for growing puppies. At present, quality food can aid ensure your puppy grows into a healthy dog. Information technology's always wise to talk to your veterinarian when y'all're considering changing nutrient, but hither are some points to consider when you lot select a food for your puppy:

  • Health: To maintain your Lab health, you need a balanced, nutritional diet.
  • Food allergies: Some dogs have specific food allergies that can include milk, eggs, wheat, soy, or corn.
  • Historic period and size: Puppies accept different nutritional needs than adult dogs; large breed and modest breed dogs accept different dietary needs.
  • Activeness level: Your dog'south activity level affects how many calories y'all demand to feed him.
  • Your lifestyle: How much time do you have to shop and cook for your dog?
  • Taste: Canis familiaris food must taste and olfactory property good to your dog.

Feeding Your Labrador Puppy Kibble

Dry food, also known every bit kibble, has ingredients that vary by brand, but all have to meet the nutritional needs of your pup. For this reason, information technology's essential to choose a high-quality brand rather than those marked "economy" or "inexpensive."

Kibble consists of ingredients that are cooked together and candy. Required ingredients include proteins similar beef and poultry, grains such as rice and wheat, cereals such every bit corn and barley, and vitamins and minerals. All dry out dog foods contain preservatives that prevent fats from spoiling. Some brands have high-carbohydrate contents and low-quality ingredients.

Dog owners who feed their dog kibble have these advantages:

  • Reduced plaque and healthier gums
  • Reduced risk of bacteria
  • Lower cost
  • Easier storage
  • Less run a risk of spoilage

Nevertheless, some domestic dog owners adopt to switch to fresh food like Ollie because of the risks of kibble.

What to Look for in Kibble

To cull a Lab puppy food, read the ingredients label. Choose nutrient that lists protein among its first three ingredients, non grains, and is high in quality protein, such as lamb or chicken. Grain-free dog food might lack some essential nutrients for your pup (it is important to remember that carbohydrates are required for energy) and so look for one with grains such equally rice, oats, or barley.

Feeding Your Labrador Puppy Fresh Nutrient

Feed your Lab a diet with natural ingredients, such as beef, chicken, lamb, peas, spinach, carrots, and blueberries, to improve their overall well-being past boosting the canis familiaris'south energy level and making their coat shiny and jiff smell improve.

However, it tin be challenging to keep your dog healthy while giving them a bootleg nutrition. Merck Veterinary Manual advises that homemade pet diets "should be prepared under the supervision of a veterinary nutritionist."

Dog nutrient commitment services like Ollie piece of work with canine nutritionists to create customized recipes and cooking methods to meet AAFCO standards for dog nutrient. They approximate the exact number of calories required based on your pup'due south age, breed, weight, activeness level, and body composition. And they have any allergies your dog has into account.

Ollie's food is fabricated past hand using only human-class ingredients, sourced from reputable farms, and canonical by veterinarians. They never apply fillers, by-products, artificial flavors, or preservatives. Ollie'southward recipes are cooked in small batches at low temperatures in a U.S. FDA (USDA)-regulated kitchen. Each recipe is pre-portioned and stored in the freezer. They even offer unmarried-ingredient treats that dogs love.

What to Look For in Fresh Nutrient

Virtually fresh food services are subscription-based and deliver dog food to your door. The best ones work with canine nutritionists to craft a feeding plan based on your dog'southward dietary needs. They besides offer recipe options, portion sizes, delivery frequencies, and information virtually preparing the food and keeping it fresh.

Feeding Your Labrador Puppy Raw Nutrition

Raw dog food is a homemade, store-bought, freeze-dried, or dehydrated nutrition that typically includes organ meat, whole or ground bone, muscle meat, raw eggs, vegetables, canis familiaris-safety fresh fruits, and a dairy production like yogurt. Advocates of raw food diets claim the following benefits: improved dental health, healthier pare, shinier coats, smaller stools, and increased energy.

Veterinarians warn that raw food diets are inappropriate for dogs shared with young children or people with compromised allowed systems. Raw food handling, training, and sanitation can require meticulous care. Dogs with cancer, pancreatitis, or other diseases may need cooked food. Puppies also do improve with cooked nutrient.

The American Veterinary Medical Association warns against feeding raw foods to cats and dogs because of the gamble of affliction, spreading from animals to humans.

What to Look for in Raw Nutrient

Find a veterinarian who is familiar with raw foods and can help yous address possible health concerns.

Feeding Your Labrador Puppy Wet Food

Complete moisture dog food is a balanced, consummate food, then y'all should feed aught else in combination with it. Everything needed is in this 1 food.

Practise non mix complete wet food with annihilation, or you volition upset the balance of nutrients in your puppy'due south nutrition and cause overfeeding.

Complete wet foods are available in individual pouches or cans containing one serving.

Some dogs described as picky eaters ofttimes prefer the natural meaty flavor of wet food, although whether they are fussy or simply spoiled is another story.

You should as well know that wet food often costs more than than kibble and doesn't help a domestic dog maintain the aforementioned level of dental health.

Dry vs. Wet Puppy Nutrient

There are many options for puppy food. Some are bachelor in wet class, and some are in dry course. Both kinds of foods can exist salubrious, tasty choices for your puppy. Only brand certain that each blazon is complete and counterbalanced before you feed information technology to your puppy. It's also important to remember that some "all-meat" wet foods may not meet your puppy'due south nutritional needs.

If you're trying to decide betwixt dry out and wet food for your Lab puppy, there are a few things to consider. Most puppy owners cull to feed their puppies dry out food, which doesn't spoil equally quickly because it'due south less moist than wet food.

When feeding your puppy, yous take three options–feed wet nutrient exclusively, feed dry food exclusively, or feed a combination of both. Yous should also keep in listen that you should adjust the daily calories you provide based on your puppy's size. Our puppy feeding chart for dry food will help you figure out how much to feed your Lab pup.

How To Choose A Dog Nutrient for Your Labrador Puppy

When you're picking dog food, you might think, "What do dogs eat? Meat!" Well, your puppy was built-in a carnivore, but that doesn't hateful he needs an all-meat diet. Your puppy needs rest, so choose ingredients from both meat and veggies. Talk to a breeder or your vet to ensure you get the right amount of everything.


When looking for a high-quality diet, it is essential to consider which proteins are in it. A lower-quality dog food could contain protein, merely fillers like corn and rice are not high-quality poly peptide sources.

Puppies should eat puppy food with around 22% to xxx% protein. Y'all would rarely go above 30% for adult labs unless it'southward medically necessary.


Almost lab rats' diets consist of 75 per centum poly peptide and 25 percent fatty. A lab rat's diet should be composed of this ratio, with the protein outweighing the fat.

However, the source of fat is essential — your puppy should exist getting a nutrition with a good amount of Omega-3s and 6s. Dogs tend to convert fat into glucose, which is an of import energy source. Try to stay between 15 percent to 25 percent of fats in your puppy's diet.


Dogs demand protein and fats, but carbs are also necessary. A depression-carb diet is all-time for puppies, but yous still demand the right amount of carbohydrates for your dog to feel consummate. These include starches, fibers, and sugars.

Choose complex carbs such as fruits, whole grains, and vegetables since they're easier to digest.


Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are macronutrients. Yous should too provide trace nutrients from micronutrients for a balanced diet. Brand certain your Lab puppy gets:

  • Vitamins A and C, Due east,
  • Vitamin B12 (specifically during puppy development),
  • Vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus,
  • Iron
  • Potassium

Vitamins and minerals contribute to the wellness and well-beingness of a puppy. They also prevent problems like obesity. Vitamin A helps your domestic dog's body burn calories, and vitamin Eastward keeps skin and eyes salubrious.

Vitamin D, phosphorus, and calcium are part of a trio that helps strengthen teeth and bones. Potassium is an important office of a healthy heart.

What Human being Foods Can A Lab Puppy Eat?

Labradors can swallow certain human being foods beneficial to their growth and health. These include:

  • Meat – puppies eat meat because they are carnivores by nature. Meat is an excellent source of healthy poly peptide.
  • Small fish – sardines, mackerel, and anchovies are a great source of omega3 fatty acids.
  • Organ meat is essential to feed your puppy organ meat such equally spleen, pancreas, kidneys, middle, lungs, and liver.
  • Other foods comprise berries, eggs, light-green vegetables, os broth, and fermented foods.

What Homo Foods Are Dangerous For A Lab Puppy?

Some human being foods are unsafe or even poisonous to dogs. The foods below are not safety to give your Labrador puppy:

  • Chocolate is a toxic substance for many animals; it contains theobromine which can adversely affect dog health.
  • High sugar foods like ice foam and candy tin can contribute to centre disease, articulation pain, obesity, diabetes, and dementia.
  • Garlic – tin cause anemia in dogs. If you think your pup has eaten garlic, monitor your canis familiaris for a few days – this type of poisoning has delayed symptoms.
  • Raw salmon and raw wild boar incorporate parasites that can brand dogs ill.
  • Salty foods can be dangerous for your puppy's kidneys; in general, salt is hazardous considering it tin can increment water retention (potentially fatal for labs).
  • Pecans, Walnuts, and Macadamia Nuts can make your puppy vomit, have a high fever, and tremble.
  • Cinnamon might irritate your Lab puppy's oral cavity, and as well much could lower your dog's blood sugar.
  • Grapes, wine, and raisins contain toxins that can damage your puppy'south kidneys.
  • Others—including tea, coffee, alcohol, and foods with xylitol such as sodas, candies, and toothpaste—tin also impairment your dog's health.

Many man foods are toxic to your Lab puppy that you lot should avoid at all costs.

Should You Feed A Lab Puppy Supplements? Are They Necessary?

Your Lab puppy volition most likely exist eating a commercially available complete and balanced diet, in which instance yous won't need to supplement his food.

A puppy food labeled "complete and balanced" has everything in the correct amounts. Adding supplements to this kind of food may contain too much of i or more nutrients, making it unbalanced and possibly harmful for your Lab puppy.

Labrador retrievers are decumbent to hip dysplasia, arthritis, and other joint problems. One familiar mistake owners brand is supplementing with calcium because they believe calcium is practiced for potent and healthy basic.

But too much calcium in a Lab puppy'southward diet can cause skeletal evolution issues. So adding a calcium supplement to an already complete and counterbalanced nutrition tin do more harm than skillful.

Besides, there are many examples, so you shouldn't by and large supplement your Lab puppy's food.

Withal, if you're feeding your Lab puppy a raw food diet, homemade, they might demand actress supplements to make sure they go the vitamins and minerals they need. Your vet might also advise you to do and then.

If you're going to feed your puppy a raw nutrition, I urge yous to learn more almost nutrition than I do. Trust me, though; yous'll want to make sure you get professional advice from a veterinarian.

How Much Should A Lab Puppy Eat?

You know what to feed your Lab puppy now, merely how much food does he need each day? Y'all should get your puppy eating complete and balanced puppy nutrient every bit soon as you become him home, usually betwixt half dozen and 8 weeks.

How much food you lot may demand to feed your puppy depends on how much he'll counterbalance every bit an developed dog. For example, a Labrador Retriever volition weigh more than a Russell Terrier at maturity. And then, your Labrador Retriever puppy will eat more than your Russell Terrier puppy.

Please use the nautical chart beneath to determine how much dry out domestic dog food to feed your Lab puppy. You may besides wish to review the instructions on the back of his food pocketbook and consult with your veterinary.

Keeping Your Puppy's Weight Right

Every bit a canis familiaris owner, yous might have noticed that Labradors tend to develop weight problems. Studies show that obesity affects 56% of all dogs, increasing their chance of other health problems like cancer and orthopedic difficulties.

High-calorie food and less action are some of the problems affecting all dogs. Some Labs are genetically unable to turn off their sense of hunger even after they've eaten—even later on their stomachs are complete, they feel perpetually hungry.

That's great for training, only information technology's best to go on your canis familiaris at a salubrious weight. Maintaining nutritional guidelines and historic period-advisable weight ranges is easy if yous first every bit early as possible.

Labrador puppies change rapidly as they grow, and the best way to decide if their nutritional needs are being met is to evaluate both historic period and weight. You'll need to vary your Lab puppy'south feeding schedule and amounts based on her growth and energy.

As a general dominion, your Lab's daily nutritional needs can be divided into 3 major stages:

Lab Puppy Feeding Chart by Age

Feeding Guide For Your Labrador Puppy

Lab Puppy Feeding Chart

A puppy needs a consistent number of calories between 4 and 12 months of age to ensure proper growth.

Remember, though, that it's essential to feed your puppy only enough to maintain a healthy torso condition, not just preferred weight. If your puppy is on the larger side but falls within, the higher end of the weight range for its historic period, endeavor feeding smaller portions or reducing the frequency of meals at the iv-6 month mark.

body status scoring chart

Utilize this chart to see whether your canis familiaris is at a good for you weight:

body condition scoring chart 

How Much To Feed A Lab Puppy?

In that location'south an old saying in dog feeding: "Watch the dog, not the dish." You should base of operations portion size on your pup's trunk status, not how much of his meal he eats or leaves behind in his bowl. Metabolic rate and body type vary from dog to dog, and nutrition requirements are unique for each puppy.

If your puppy skips a meal or two now and then, it doesn't mean he is ill; possibly he is prepare to eliminate a feeding, or you just fed him too much, in which case reduce the quantity served.

Also, if y'all are using treats for training, subtract the amount of food yous give your pup at mealtime. Using small pieces of treats for preparation tin help likewise.

How Often to Feed a Lab Puppy? (Lab Puppy Feeding Schedule)

Lab puppies need to eat more often when they are younger and can consume less often as they get older.

Feeding your new Lab puppy is 1 of the nearly of import things you lot tin practice for him during his first year. Skilful diet from complete, balanced dog food will promote your pup's growth and development.

So, how often should you feed a Lab puppy?

How Many Times To Feed A Lab Puppy Each Day?

It's essential to establish a feeding schedule for your Lab puppy, no matter his age. A set routine volition make potty training easier because you'll have a improve sense of when your puppy needs exterior.

Puppies Less than 6 Months Old

Puppies usually terminate nursing by half-dozen to eight weeks. Once weaned, puppies should exist given iii or four scheduled feedings a day.

Make sure you know how much food to give him based on his weight; divide that amount amid iii or four feedings. We created an in-depth puppy feeding nautical chart to help with this.

Please refer to the label on the back of your Lab puppy's food for more information.

Puppies 6 Months to 1-Yr-Old

From six months to a year of age, reduce the number of meals to two per day: in the morn and the evening.

Over again, y'all'll want to divide the corporeality of nutrient he needs for the mean solar day between his two daily meals.

ane Year & Up

About puppies are fully grown by their commencement birthday. Some big breeds take a year and a half to two years to mature fully.

For a Labrador puppy, maturity is reached at 12 to 16 months. It would exist all-time if you lot fed him one time or twice a day. Cull the feeding schedule that works all-time for both you and your Lab puppy.

Please remember to read the feeding instructions on the food label and consult your veterinarian with any questions.

No thing what historic period your Lab puppy is, it'southward essential to stick to your feeding schedule. A routine is a great way to innovate expectations to your puppy and help him grow up to be well-behaved.

How Long To Feed Lab Puppy Food Earlier Switching To Adult Dog Food?

You lot can tell when your puppy is gear up to begin eating adult food. If he has stopped growing upward, you are likely ready to start feeding him the developed diet. It's recommended to switch your puppy to an developed nutrition when he has grown to full peak. Not at maturity, which tin can be much later, but when they've grown to full size.

For small breeds, this happens when they are between 8 and 10 months old. For medium breeds, this can be between ten and sixteen months. For behemothic breeds, it can be up to two years until they are fully grown.

These are only guidelines, and so feel gratis to tweak them as you come across fit.

I've seen people switch their Labrador to adult domestic dog food at half dozen months, read food labels that say their dog is safety to switch at 12 months and read manufactures and forum answers that say to wait until their dog is 18 months old.

Nobody switches earlier six months of age, though many owners switch earlier 12 months.

Typically, it's expert to switch between half-dozen and 12 months, merely let your Lab puppy's growth exist your guide.

If you're unsure, your vet is ever the best person to ask. Remember, each puppy is different.

It'due south best to gradually switch from puppy nutrient to adult nutrient over several days. A sudden change in diet tin lead to stomach problems for your dog.

What Is The Best Domestic dog Foods For Lab Puppies

  • Royal Canin Labrador Retriever Puppy
  • Purina Pro Plan Dry out Canis familiaris Food
  • Hill's Science Diet Dry Dog Food
  • Blueish Buffalo Life Protection Formula
  • Purina I Smart Alloy

How Much H2o Should You Requite Your Labrador Puppy?

When puppies have finished nursing, they require water to make up for their lost hydration—one loving cup of water per puppy every two hours is recommended during the weaning period.

Breeders recommend that puppies drink an ounce of water per pound of body weight. If yous are housetraining your puppy, exist sure to remove the water dish at night.

You lot should schedule the procedure so that you tin can remove information technology before bedtime and permit your dog relieve himself ane concluding time.


Your Labrador'south overall health depends on what you feed him. Finding the correct remainder tin can make a big divergence to your canis familiaris's happiness.

Lab puppies need more than than good nutrition and training to abound big and potent. Love, playtime, and cuddling are also crucial for your puppy'southward well-being.

Also Read:

  • Wellness Core Puppy Food Reviews
  • Crave Dog Nutrient Reviews in 2022
  • Best Domestic dog Nutrient for Firm Stools (Review)
  • The vii Best High Cobweb Canis familiaris Food-Anal Gland Problems
  • v Best Domestic dog Food for Less Poop – 2022
  • 5 Best Dry Dog Food for Yeast Infections in 2022
  • Best Dog Nutrient for Shedding (Reviews and Guide) in 2022
  • Labrador Retriever Canis familiaris Breed Information
  • How to Train a Labrador Puppy Not to Bite
  • How to Potty Train a Lab Puppy
  • How to Crate Train a Labrador Retriever Puppy ( ULTIMATE GUIDE)
  • How to End Your Labrador Retriever From Barking


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